In Process

Sanee Raval: Acting from a Place of Intuition

Season 2 Episode 2

We're off to tread the boards with actor Sanee Raval! In a sensitive and thought-provoking conversation, Sanee reflects on tuning the actor's sense of intuition to guide their practice, and heeding the creative call to pursue a career in acting. We touch on their new short film Kiln, and their experience of both directing and performing in their own production. Sanee provides valuable insight into the various pathways through which to approach a career as an actor, alongside some beautiful anecdotes chronicling the at-times mystical connection to the world that acting can foster.

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Artist Biography

Sanee Raval is an actor, writer, and director. They have appeared in TV shows such as I May Destroy You and Cold Feet, as well as Plays, most prominantly the lead in Tennessee Williams’ Milk Train Doesn’t Stop Here Anymore at Charing Cross Theatre. Sanee has also written for The Forge and Channel 4 and been optioned by various other production companies.

In addition to acting, Sanee is currently working on their first novel and preparing to release their directorial debut film, Kiln.

Sanee works with the unconscious as part of their creative process. The dream world and blood memory.

Social and IG Handles

Sanee IMDB:

Show: @inprocess__show

Willow: @indexthumb

Arswain: @arswain__

Lawrence: @lawrencewilson3663

Texts & Links

Truth by Susan Batson

Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller

On Directing Film by David Mamet

Schitt's Creek

Inside the Actor's Studio


00:00 Intro
03:46 What drew you to acting?
04:45 The value of an acting teacher
06:13 Career path into acting
06:47 Sanee’s first agent
08:35 How Sanee and Willow met
08:55 Thoughts on acting school
10:35 Self-education as an actor
12:22 Intuition in daily life
13:30 Daily practices
15:28 Earning income as an actor
17:27 ~Break~
17:53 Actor/director advice
21:23 Actor’s ‚Need‘
23:03 Playing villains and criminals
25:58 Sanee’s acting idols
27:18 Stage vs. screen acting
30:11 ~Break~
30:40 What’s next for Sanee
31:35 Previous writing career
34:33 Challenges of writing for shows
36:10 Regulating energy on set
38:22 Working in America
40:34 Social Media and personal silence
43:28 Childhood memories of film
44:20 Favourite acting memory
46:31 Secret craft
47:56 Outro 


Hosted by Willow Hamilton / indexthumb

Produced and Mastered by Lawrence Wilson

Main Theme by Arswain

Music Interludes by Lawrence Wilson

Logo by Willow Hamilton / indexthumb

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