In Process
Connective, intimate, and practical conversations with emerging artists and their creative practices. In Process is a show dedicated to supporting new artists and sharing their experiences of navigating the art world. It's rooted in the belief that artists are stronger, more creative, and more intelligent in community than in competition.
In Process
Diante Singley: Independent Filmmaker
Episode 1: Independent Filmmaking. Welcome to In Process! A series of intimate, long-form conversations with emerging Stanford artists. For our inaugural episode, we meet Diante Singley, who was raised in Los Angeles and graduated from Stanford University in 2014. Already a young veteran of the L.A. media scene, he has worked variously as an assistant cameraman, a production designer and most recently as the personal assistant for directors Eli Roth and Michael Dougherty.
As a filmmaker, Singley has written and directed a variety of documentary shorts and short films that have tackled race, sexuality, economic status and identity. He has won numerous awards including Best New Filmmaker at the San Francisco Black Film Festival, as well as an audience award for his short Downpour Summer at the HollyShorts film festival. He is currently a directing fellow for Film Independent’s PROJECT INVOLVE program.
Instagram: @diantesingley @downpoursummerfilms
Remote Capture (short film)
Downpour Summer (short film)
In Process Instagram: @inprocess__show
Recorded in Berlin/L.A. on 08.06.2020