In Process

Anna Tskhovrebov: Experimental Sound Artist & Programmer

Anna Tskhovrebov Season 1 Episode 3

Episode 3: Engineering The Sonic Zone. We're off to the ears today with Anna Tskhovrebov, an experimental musician among other things such as audio engineer at Ableton, live visuals programmer, and avid bird-listener. Anna graduated from Stanford in 2018 with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, and an M.A. in Music, Science, and Technology. She moved continents to Berlin, to work alongside Robert Henke on designing the graphics for his retro-futuristic audiovisual show, CBM 8032 AV, before settling in to program instruments and effects at music software company Ableton. Anna also composes her own music under the name viewfinder, sampling unexpected and haunting sounds from our everyday environments, and putting them in conversation with each other in funky, IDM-inspired soundscapes.

viewfinder Soundcloud
CBM 8032 AV

CBM 8032 AV Doc (FACT Magazine)

In Process Instagram: @inprocess__show

Recorded in Berlin on 08.02.20

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